Section: New Results

Decision Making

Accounting for Uncertainty in Penetration Testing

Participants : Olivier Buffet, Jörg Hoffmann.

Carlos Sarraute (Core Security Technologies) is an external collaborator.

Core Security Technologies is an U.S.-American/Argentinian company providing, amongst other things, tools for (semi-)automated security checking of computer networks against outside hacking attacks. For automation of such checks, a module is needed that automatically generates potential attack paths. Since the application domain is highly dynamic, a module allowing to declaratively specify the environment (the network and its configuration) is highly advantageous. For that reason, Core Security Technologies have been looking into using AI Planning techniques for this purpose. After consulting by Jörg Hoffmann, they are now using a variant of Jörg Hoffmann's FF planner in their product. While that solution is satisfactory in many respects, it also has weaknesses. The main weakness is that it does not handle the incomplete knowledge in this domain – figuratively speaking, the attacker is assumed to have perfect information about the network. This results in high costs in terms of runtime and network traffic, for extensive scanning activities prior to planning.

We are currently working with Core Security's research department to overcome this issue, by modeling and solving the attack planning problem as a POMDP instead. A workshop paper detailing the POMDP model has been published at SecArt'11. While such a model yields much higher quality attacks, solving an entire network as a POMDP is not feasible. We have designed a decomposition method making use of network structure and approximations to overcome this problem, by using the POMDP model only to find good-quality attacks on single machines, and propagating the results through the network in an appropriate manner. This work has been published in ICAPS'12 [34] .

Searching for Information with MDPs

Participants : Mauricio Araya, Olivier Buffet, Vincent Thomas, François Charpillet.

In the context of Mauricio Araya's PhD, we are working on how MDPs —or related models— can search for information. This has led to various research directions, such as extending POMDPs so as to optimize information-based rewards, or actively learning MDP models. This year, we have focused on a novel optimistic Bayesian Reinforcement Learning algorithm –as described below– and on Mauricio's dissertation.

Exact or approximate solutions to Model-based Bayesian RL are impractical, so that a number of heuristic approaches have been considered, most of them relying on the principle of “optimism in the face of uncertainty”. Some of these algorithms have properties that guarantee the quality of their outcome, inspired by the PAC-learning (Probably Approximately Correct) framework. For example, some algorithms provably make in most cases the same decision as would be made if the true model were known (PAC-MDP property).

We have proposed a novel optimistic algorithm, bolt , that is

  • appealing in that it is (i) optimistic about the uncertainty in the model and (ii) deterministic (thus easier to study); and

  • provably PAC-BAMDP, i.e., makes in most cases the same decision as a perfect BRL algorithm would.

This work has been published in ICML'12 [9] and (in French) in JFPDA'12 [30] , additional details appearing in [40] .

Scheduling for Probabilistic Realtime Systems

Participant : Olivier Buffet.

Maxim Dorin, Luca Santinelli, Liliana Cucu-Grosjean (Inria, TRIO team), and Rob Davies (U. of York) are external collaborators.

In this collaborative research work (mainly with the TRIO team), we look at the problem of scheduling periodic tasks on a single processor, in the case where each task's period is a (known) random variable. In this setting, some job will necessarily be missed, so that one will try to satisfy some criteria depending on the number of deadline misses.

We have proposed three criteria: (1) satisfying pre-defined deadline miss ratios, (2) minimizing the worst deadline miss ratio, and (3) minimizing the average deadline miss ratio. For each criterion we propose an algorithm that computes a provably optimal fixed priority assignment, i.e., a solution obtained by assigning priorities to tasks and executing jobs by order of priority.

This work has been presented in RTNS'11, and an extended version is currently in preparation.

Adaptive Management with POMDPs

Participant : Olivier Buffet.

Iadine Chadès, Josie Carwardine, Tara G. Martin (CSIRO), Samuel Nicol (U. of Alaska Fairbanks) and Régis Sabbadin (INRA) are external collaborators.

In the field of conservation biology, adaptive management is about managing a system, e.g., performing actions so as to protect some endangered species, while learning how it behaves. This is a typical reinforcement learning task that could for example be addressed through BRL.

Here, we consider that a number of experts provide us with one possible model each, assuming that one of them is the true model. This allows making decisions by solving a hidden model MDP (hmMDP). An hmMDP is essentially a simplified mixed observability MDP (MOMDP), where the hidden part of the state corresponds to the model (in cases where all other variables are fully observable).

From a theoretical point of view, we have proved that deciding whether a finite-horizon hmMDP problem admits a solution policy of value greater than a pre-defined threshold is a Pspace -complete problem. We have also conducted preliminary studies of this approach, using the scenario of the protection of the Gouldian finch, and focusing on the particular characteristics that could be exploited to more efficiently solve this problem. These results have been presented in AAAI'12 [14] .

Multi-Camera Tracking in Partially Observable Environment

Participants : Arsène Fansi Tchango, Olivier Buffet, Vincent Thomas, Alain Dutech.

Fabien Flacher (Thales THERESIS) is an external collaborator.

In collaboration with Thales ThereSIS - SE&SIM Team (Synthetic Environment & Simulation), we focus on the problem of following the trajectories of several persons with the help of several actionable cameras. This problem is difficult since the set of cameras cannot cover simultaneously the whole environment, since some persons can be hidden by obstacles or by other persons, and since the behavior of each person is governed by internal variables which can only be inferred (such as his motivation or his hunger).

The approach we are working on is based on (1) POMDP formalisms to represent the state of the system (person and their internal states) and possible actions for the cameras, (2) a simulator provided and developed by Thales ThereSIS and (3) particle filtering approaches based on this simulator.

From a theoretical point of view, we are currently investigating how to use a deterministic simulator and to generate new particles in order to keep a good approximation of the posterior distribution.

Scaling Up Decentralized MDPs Through Heuristic Search

Participant : Jilles Dibangoye.

External collaborators: Christopher Amato, Arnaud Doniec.

Decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes (Dec-POMDPs) are rich models for cooperative decision-making under uncertainty, but are often intractable to solve optimally (NEXP-complete). The transition and observation independent Dec-MDP is a general subclass that has been shown to have complexity in NP, but optimal algorithms for this subclass are still inefficient in practice. We first provide an updated proof that an optimal policy does not depend on the histories of the agents, but only the local observations. We then present a new algorithm based on heuristic search that is able to expand search nodes by using constraint optimization. We show experimental results comparing our approach with the state-of-the-art Dec-MDP and Dec-POMDP solvers. These results show a reduction in computation time and an increase in scalability by multiple orders of magnitude in a number of benchmarks.

This work was presented in UAI'2012 [16] .

Approximate Modified Policy Iteration

Participant : Bruno Scherrer.

External collaborators: Victor Gabillon, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh and Matthieu Geist.

Modified policy iteration (MPI) is a dynamic programming (DP) algorithm that contains the two celebrated policy and value iteration methods. Despite its generality, MPI has not been thoroughly studied, especially its approximation form which is used when the state and/or action spaces are large or infinite. We have proposed three implementations of approximate MPI (AMPI) that are extensions of well-known approximate DP algorithms: fitted-value iteration, fitted-Q iteration, and classification-based policy iteration. We have provided an error propagation analysis that unifies those for approximate policy and value iteration. For the classification-based implementation, we have developed a finite-sample analysis that shows that MPI's main parameter allows to control the balance between the estimation error of the classifier and the overall value function approximation.

This work was presented in JFPDA'2012 [35] and ICML'2012 [45] .

A Dantzig Selector Approach to Temporal Difference Learning

Participant : Bruno Scherrer.

External collaborators: Matthieu Geist, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh and Alessandro Lazaric.

LSTD is one of the most popular reinforcement learning algorithms for value function approximation. Whenever the number of samples is larger than the number of features, LSTD must be paired with some form of regularization. In particular, L 1 -regularization methods tend to perform feature selection by promoting sparsity and thus they are particularly suited in high-dimensional problems. Nonetheless, since LSTD is not a simple regression algorithm but it solves a fixed-point problem, the integration with L 1 -regularization is not straightforward and it might come with some drawbacks (see e.g., the P-matrix assumption for LASSO-TD). We have introduced a novel algorithm obtained by integrating LSTD with the Dantzig Selector. In particular, we have investigated the performance of the algorithm and its relationship with existing regularized approaches, showing how it overcomes some of the drawbacks of existing solutions.

This work was presented at JFPDA'2012 [33] and ICML'2012 [20] .

On the Use of Non-Stationary Policies for Stationary Infinite-Horizon Markov Decision Processes

Participants : Bruno Scherrer, Boris Lesner.

In infinite-horizon stationary γ-discounted Markov Decision Processes, it is known that there exists a stationary optimal policy. Using Value and Policy Iteration with some error ϵ at each iteration, it is well-known that one can compute stationary policies that are 2γ (1-γ) 2 ϵ-optimal. After having shown that this guarantee is tight, we have developed variations of Value and Policy Iteration for computing non-stationary policies that can be up to 2γ 1-γϵ-optimal, which constitutes a significant improvement in the usual situation when γ is close to 1. Surprisingly, this shows that the problem of ”computing near-optimal non-stationary policies” is much simpler than that of ”computing near-optimal stationary policies”.

This work was presented and selected for a full oral presentation at NIPS'2012 [28] .

Developmental Reinforcement Learning

Participant : Alain Dutech.

External collaborators: Matthieu Geist (IMS Supelec), Olivier Pietquin (IMS Supelec)

Reinforcement Learning in rich, complex and large sensorimotor spaces is a difficult problem mainly because the exploration of such a huge space cannot be done in an extensive way. The idea is thus to adopt a developmental approach where the perception and motor skills of the robot can grow in richness and complexity during learning, as a consequence the size of the state and action spaces grows progressively when the performances of the learning agent increases. The learning framework relies on function approximators with specific properties (continuous input space, life-long adaptation, knowledge transfer). Architectures based on “reservoir learning” and “dynamical self-organizing maps” kind of artificial neural networks have been investigated [32] , [18] .

Dialog and POMDPs

Participant : Lucie Daubigney.

Reinforcement learning (RL) is now part of the state of the art in the domain of spoken dialog systems (SDS) optimization. The best performing RL methods, such as those based on Gaussian Processes, require to test small changes in the policy to assess them as improvements or degradations. This process is called on policy learning. Nevertheless, it can result in system behaviors that are not acceptable by users. Learning algorithms should ideally infer an optimal strategy by observing interactions generated by a non-optimal but acceptable strategy, that is learning off-policy. Such methods usually fail to scale up and are thus not suited for real-world systems. In this work, a sample-efficient, on-line and off-policy RL algorithm is proposed to learn an optimal policy [15] . This algorithm is combined to a compact non-linear value function representation (namely a multilayer perceptron) enabling to handle large scale systems. One of the application domain is the teaching of a second language [31] .

SAP Speaks PDDL: Exploiting a Software-Engineering Model for Planning in Business Process Management

Participant : Jörg Hoffmann.

Ingo Weber (NICTA) and Frank Michael Kraft (bpmnforum.net) are external collaborators.

Planning is concerned with the automated solution of action sequencing problems described in declarative languages giving the action preconditions and effects. One important application area for such technology is the creation of new processes in Business Process Management (BPM), which is essential in an ever more dynamic business environment. A major obstacle for the application of Planning in this area lies in the modeling. Obtaining a suitable model to plan with – ideally a description in PDDL, the most commonly used planning language – is often prohibitively complicated and/or costly. Our core observation in this work is that this problem can be ameliorated by leveraging synergies with model-based software development. Our application at SAP, one of the leading vendors of enterprise software, demonstrates that even one-to-one model re-use is possible.

The model in question is called Status and Action Management (SAM). It describes the behavior of Business Objects (BO), i.e., large-scale data structures, at a level of abstraction corresponding to the language of business experts. SAM covers more than 400 kinds of BOs, each of which is described in terms of a set of status variables and how their values are required for, and affected by, processing steps (actions) that are atomic from a business perspective. SAM was developed by SAP as part of a major model-based software engineering effort. We show herein that one can use this same model for planning, thus obtaining a BPM planning application that incurs no modeling overhead at all.

We compile SAM into a variant of PDDL, and adapt an off-the-shelf planner to solve this kind of problem. Thanks to the resulting technology, business experts may create new processes simply by specifying the desired behavior in terms of status variable value changes: effectively, by describing the process in their own language.

This work has been published in JAIR [6] .

Resource-Constrained Planning: A Monte Carlo Random Walk Approach

Participant : Jörg Hoffmann.

Hootan Nakhost and Martin Müller (University of Alberta) are external collaborators.

The need to economize limited resources, such as fuel or money, is a ubiquitous feature of planning problems. If the resources cannot be replenished, the planner must make do with the initial supply. It is then of paramount importance how constrained the problem is, i.e., whether and to which extent the initial resource supply exceeds the minimum need. While there is a large body of literature on numeric planning and planning with resources, such resource constrainedness has only been scantily investigated. We herein start to address this in more detail. We generalize the previous notion of resource constrainedness, characterized through a numeric problem feature C1, to the case of multiple resources. We implement an extended benchmark suite controlling C. We conduct a large-scale study of the current state of the art as a function of C, highlighting which techniques contribute to success. We introduce two new techniques on top of a recent Monte Carlo Random Walk method, resulting in a planner that, in these benchmarks, outperforms previous planners when resources are scarce (C close to 1). We investigate the parameters influencing the performance of that planner, and we show that one of the two new techniques works well also on the regular IPC benchmarks.

This work has been published in ICAPS-12 [26] .

How to Relax a Bisimulation?

Participants : Michael Katz, Jörg Hoffmann.

Malte Helmert (Basel University) is an external collaborator.

Merge-and-shrink abstraction (M&S) is an approach for constructing admissible heuristic functions for cost-optimal planning. It enables the targeted design of abstractions, by allowing to choose individual pairs of (abstract) states to aggregate into one. A key question is how to actually make these choices, so as to obtain an informed heuristic at reasonable computational cost. Recent work has addressed this via the well-known notion of bisimulation. When aggregating only bisimilar states – essentially, states whose behavior is identical under every planning operator – M&S yields a perfect heuristic. However, bisimulations are typically exponentially large. Thus we must relax the bisimulation criterion, so that it applies to more state pairs, and yields smaller abstractions. We herein devise a fine-grained method for doing so. We restrict the bisimulation criterion to consider only a subset K of the planning operators. We show that, if K is chosen appropriately, then M&S still yields a perfect heuristic, while abstraction size may decrease exponentially. Designing practical approximations for K, we obtain M&S heuristics that are competitive with the state of the art.

This work has been published in ICAPS-12 [22] , and as Inria research report RR-7901 [42] .

Semi-Relaxed Plan Heuristics

Participants : Emil Keider, Jörg Hoffmann.

Patrik Haslum (ANU) is an external collaborator.

Heuristics based on the delete relaxation are at the forefront of modern domain-independent planning techniques. Here we introduce a principled and flexible technique for augmenting delete-relaxed tasks with a limited amount of delete information, by introducing special fluents that explicitly represent conjunctions of fluents in the original planning task. Differently from previous work in this direction, conditional effects are used to limit the growth of the task to be linear, rather than exponential, in the number of conjunctions that are introduced, making its use for obtaining heuristic functions feasible. We discuss how to obtain an informative set of conjunctions to be represented explicitly, and analyze and extend existing methods for relaxed planning in the presence of conditional effects. The resulting heuristics are empirically evaluated, and shown to be sometimes much more informative than standard delete-relaxation heuristics.

This work has been published in ICAPS-12 [24] .

Structural Patterns Beyond Forks: Extending the Complexity Boundaries of Classical Planning

Participants : Michael Katz, Emil Keider.

Tractability analysis in terms of the causal graphs of planning problems has emerged as an important area of research in recent years, leading to new methods for the derivation of domain-independent heuristics (Katz and Domshlak 2010). Here we continue this work, extending our knowledge of the frontier between tractable and NP-complete fragments. We close some gaps left in previous work, and introduce novel causal graph fragments that we call the hourglass and semi-fork, for which under certain additional assumptions optimal planning is in P. We show that relaxing any one of the restrictions required for this tractability leads to NP-complete problems. Our results are of both theoretical and practical interest, as these fragments can be used in existing frameworks to derive new abstraction heuristics. Before they can be used, however, a number of practical issues must be addressed. We discuss these issues and propose some solutions.

This work has been published in AAAI-12 [23] .